#the first blogpost
1:32 AM.
It's a windy night/morning and I'm freezing to death.
Omg, I can't believe I'm starting off this stuff by talking about the weather. That should tell you how much of a mess I am. Not really. Just a little messed up.
5:10 am
I'm still awake. Not because I have insomnia or because I'm too depressed to sleep but because I've been working. I'm this kind of person who is lazy for six days of the week but the day I choose to work I go all out. I stay up all night/early morning staring at my computer working my butt off.
I just finished writing my first children's book. I'm so freaking proud of me. I'm just lying/sitting on my bed but in my head I'm dancing in Las Vegas because I'm so excited. It's crazy how just one small accomplishment can make you believe in yourself again, make you see yourself in a whole, new beautiful light. Amazon KDP, here I come.
In my drunken state of accomplishment, I decided what the heck, I've always wanted to start a blog,[ I like to rant through written word] , let's do it. So I did it. I went straight to blogger.com. And in the next five minutes, I had a blog all of my own. Today is really my day...
And now just after I finished writing my FIRST children's book, I'm writing my first blog post and yes I'm not writing with a clear picture in my head so this is pretty messy. But idgaf!! This is so much fun. I love to write. And it thrills me, absolutely thrills me that I get to share my messy thoughts with the messy world in this messy way
[lol, that's 6 times I've used the word ''messy'' already. Hey, that rhymed].
So anyway, speaking about firsts... What first are you really looking forward to?
First kiss? First sex? First job? Lemme know in the comment section.
For me, the first I'm really looking forward to is my first award for fiction[ I dream big dreams. Sue me]
My first book signing, my first author convention. You feel me?
But apart from all that, another first I'm looking forward to is first love.
That sounded cheesy, I know.
I've been thinking ahead, whether I would like to keep on blogging. And of course, yeah.
I'm enjoying just typing away on my laptop. I'm imagining the face of the person who reads this. Are your eyes the color of toffee or the color of moonlight? Do you love to read [If not, how on earth do you survive?'']
Are you abusive or are you an abuser? Or are you like me[none of the above].
Whoever you are, welcome to my blog...
SPOILER ALERT: It's...[can you guess?]...messy.
But stick around if you like the real stuff.
Ghostgirl45 to the world!!
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