# Signs you're a ghostgirl[or guy]

 6:37 am


Who is a ghostgirl?


well, obviously not, because I'm a ghost girl and I'm definitely not dead

Some people are ghost folks without even realizing it. 

These are the signs you're one too


1. You find it super easy to blend in. 

                It comes so easily to you. One moment, you're there, the next minute you're not

2. You are always the quiet one in the room.

3. It feels like people don't speak the same language you speak. You speak and they don't  understand you or how your mind works.

4. You like to immerse yourself in books and poems to read about people doing things and going on adventures you wish you could go on too. 

5. You sometimes talk to yourself.

6. You're not much of a talker. You prefer enjoying your alone time most of the time...

    If you ticked yes to some of these questions, then you definitely have some ghost blood in you. If you ticked yes to most of them, welcome to the club, ghostie.

Here's the thing people don't know about ghostgirls. We're almost always quiet and observant which is why we know things, why we're extra smart.

Are you a ghost person? Tell me about it in the comment secion,




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